Cassidy Church's Podcast
Cassidy Church's Podcast
Starting Over - Rethink Your Approach (Week 2)
Starting Over
Life can feel heavy when we’re carrying the weight of past mistakes, regrets, and unresolved hurts. In this four-week series, we’ll explore how God’s grace empowers us to let go of the past, renew our minds, take responsibility for our actions, and live intentionally with purpose. Each week, we’ll unpack practical steps and biblical truths to help you break free from harmful patterns, embrace healing, and align your life with God’s perfect plan. Together, let’s discover how to turn the lessons of the past into a future that glorifies God and brings lasting hope.
Rethink Your Approach
Have you ever asked yourself, “What was I thinking?” Whether it’s a relationship, a job, or a too-good-to-be-true deal, we’ve all been there—repeating patterns that lead to regret. In Romans 12:1-2, Paul challenges us to break free by being transformed through the renewing of our minds. True change isn’t about quick fixes; it’s about letting God reshape our thoughts and guide our actions. Today, we’ll explore how to let go of the past, rethink our approach, and embrace the hard but holy work of transformation, so next time really can be different.